Iceberg Replication - Enterprise-Grade Solution for Apache Iceberg Tables
Offered By: The ASF via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the Iceberg Replication initiative in this 33-minute conference talk from The ASF. Dive into the enterprise-grade replication solution for Apache Iceberg, designed to ensure fault tolerance, high availability, and efficient data access in distributed environments. Learn about its support for multiple clusters, various file types, and different storage systems including HDFS, Apache Ozone, and Amazon S3. Discover how the implementation leverages Apache Hadoop YARN for workload distribution and Apache Hadoop DistCp for parallel data transfer. Gain insights from industry experts Rahul Buddhisagar, Shailesh Shiwalkar, and Teddy Choi as they discuss current capabilities, ongoing developments, and future plans to incorporate Apache Tez for enhanced data transformation and version comparison.
Iceberg Replication
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