How We See Is What We See - Perception and Reality

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


Cognitive Psychology Courses Change Management Courses Team Building Courses

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Explore the fascinating concept of perception in this TEDx talk by Alireza Koozad at TEDxHelsingborg. Discover how our brains construct a comforting version of reality based on personal experiences and self-image. Learn why people often prefer their own interpretations over clear resolutions. Drawing from his extensive background in teaching, communication, and sales, Koozad shares insights gained from his work as a business advisor, consultant, and coach for international companies. Gain valuable perspectives on change management, team building, group dynamics, and effective communication. Benefit from Koozad's diverse experiences, including his roles at the Chinese Embassy in Iran and with major corporations like IKEA and Grundfos.


How we See is What we See | Alireza Koozad | TEDxHelsingborg

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