Take Away "Dev" and "QA" from Engineer's Job Title and Build a Truly "One Team" - The Gumtree Bidirectional Transformation Journey

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses DevOps Courses Quality Assurance Courses Software Engineering Courses Organizational Change Courses Team Building Courses Agile Development Courses

Course Description


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Explore a transformative approach to building cohesive engineering teams by removing "Dev" and "QA" distinctions from job titles. Learn from Cindy Xin's YOW! 2018 conference talk about Gumtree Australia's journey towards breaking down silos between development and testing roles. Discover strategies for shifting testing responsibilities, embracing DevOps practices, and reinventing traditional QA roles. Gain insights into changing mindsets, enhancing skillsets, and implementing new tools to support a unified team structure. Understand the challenges and benefits of this bidirectional transformation, including improved developer confidence, shared quality responsibility, and a more efficient automation landscape. Examine the impact on code reviews, team culture, and overall software development processes in the context of agile and DevOps methodologies.


Transformation Journey
Developer Confidence
Test Plan Mind Map
Practice Practice Practice
QA Questions
New Process Experiment
Our Vision
The Reality
Sharing the Quality Responsibility
The Durable Column
The Big Difference
Automation Landscape
People Culture
Code Review
QA vs Dev
Why look back

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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