Setting Up VPC for Deployment

Offered By: Hitesh Choudhary via YouTube


Server Security Courses User Management Courses Firewalls Courses SSH Courses Linux Administration Courses VPC Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to set up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for secure deployment in this comprehensive video tutorial. Discover essential steps for configuring a Virtual Private Server (VPS), including system updates, user creation, SSH connection setup, and firewall configuration. Master key security practices like disabling root login, implementing SSH keys, and managing server access. Gain valuable insights on troubleshooting and efficient server management to prepare your environment for deploying applications such as Nginx, Node.js, or Python. Follow along with detailed instructions to create a well-hardened server setup, ensuring a smooth and secure production environment for your projects.


How to setup VPC for deployment

Taught by

Hitesh Choudhary

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