How to Recreate This Beautiful Album Cover in Photoshop
Offered By: Photoshop Training Channel via YouTube
Course Description
Learn to recreate the iconic "Best of" Bowie album cover in Photoshop with this comprehensive 31-minute tutorial. Master techniques for creating the background, adding pixelated sides, incorporating portraits, applying gradient map effects, and designing text elements. Follow step-by-step instructions to craft shadows, import additional portraits for the eyes, and add finishing touches like strokes to text. Enhance your Photoshop skills while paying homage to a legendary album design.
- Intro
- Create the Background to the album cover
- Add the Pixalated sides
- Add the Portrait to the album cover
- Add the Gradient Map Effects to the Portrait
- Import the two additional portraits for the eyes.
- Add shadows to the album cover
- Add the album cover text
- Add the Stroke to the text
Taught by
Photoshop Training Channel
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