How to Probe the Silicon Inside a Chip - Techniques and Applications

Offered By: Robert Feranec via YouTube


Microelectronics Courses Microscopy Courses Firmware Extraction Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricate world of silicon chip probing in this comprehensive two-hour video featuring expert John McMaster. Discover the reasons for probing silicon, learn about probe types and techniques, and understand the process of removing chip packages. Gain insights into reading firmware, bypassing on-chip fuses, and selecting appropriate microscopes for chip probing. Delve into wafer testing, probe materials, and methods for locating probe points on silicon. The video covers various aspects of chip probing, including probe cards, wafer probers, storage, optical probing, and alignment challenges. Witness live demonstrations of chip probing, probe preparation, and laser drilling of silicon, providing a hands-on perspective of this fascinating field.


What is this video about
Why to probe silicon?
How is the silicon probed? How does the probe look?
Probe needles
About probing silicon
How to remove package
Probing and broken bond wires
Probing to read firmware, bypassing on chip fuses
What microscope to use to probe chips
Material the probes are made from
How to know where to probe the silicon
Why / how - wafer test
About John and his work
More about probes
Probe cards
Wafer probers / testers
Wafer storage
Optical probing
Wafers aren't flat
Probe holders - Micro positioners
About extracting firmware from 80C51
Hans on micro probing class
Live chip probing
Live: Preparing the probe
Live: Putting the probe on silicon
Live: Laser drilling to silicon

Taught by

Robert Feranec

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