How to Make a Website Using HTML, CSS, Javascript & GSAP - Responsive With Animations

Offered By: Brian Design via YouTube


GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) Courses Computer Science Courses Web Development Courses Javascript Courses Flexbox Courses HTML Courses Responsive Design Courses CSS Grid Courses

Course Description


Create a responsive website with animations using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and GSAP in this comprehensive tutorial. Learn to build a fully functional site featuring a navbar, mobile menu, hero section, services section, membership area, team showcase, email capture, and footer. Master CSS Grid and Flexbox for layout design, and enhance user experience with GSAP animations. Follow along step-by-step to construct each section, concluding with the implementation of engaging animations to bring your website to life.


What we are making
Creating Navbar Section
Creating Mobile Menu
Creating Hero Section
Creating Services Section
Creating Membership Section
Creating Team Section
Creating Email Section
Creating Footer Section
Adding Animations

Taught by

Brian Design

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