Installing Landscape Beta on Oracle Cloud's Always Free Tier

Offered By: Canonical Ubuntu via YouTube


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Course Description


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Discover how to deploy and run Landscape beta on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's Always Free tier in this comprehensive 33-minute tutorial video from Canonical Ubuntu. Learn about Landscape's features, installation options, and components before diving into a step-by-step guide for setting up a virtual machine, configuring ingress rules, and using Juju to deploy the Landscape Scalable Charm Bundle. Follow along as the instructor demonstrates SSH access, Juju prerequisites, LetsEncrypt SSL configuration on HAProxy, port forwarding, and adding a global admin. The video also covers important corrections regarding the Operator Framework and provides resources for further discussion on potential hook failures. Gain valuable insights on reverting and uninstalling Landscape beta, making this tutorial an essential resource for those looking to leverage Oracle Cloud's free tier for Landscape deployment.


Correction: Unlike what is mentioned at , the Reactive Framework is legacy, and Landscape beta Charms leverage Juju’s new Operator Framework.
Update: The hook failure presented at is discussed further at: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/juju-deploy-landscape-scalable-charm-bundle-rev-11-to-ubuntu-20-04-focal-on-aarch64-arm64/31394
- Introduction
- What is Landscape?
- Installation options
- Charmed Landscape beta
- Components of Landscape
- Landscape Scalable Charm Bundle
- Create a virtual machine
- Add Ingress Rules
- SSH Into the Oracle Cloud VM
- Juju prerequisites
- Juju Deploy Landscape Scalable
- LetsEncrypt SSL on HAProxy
- Port Forwarding to HAProxy
- Add Landscape’s Global Admin
- Recap all the steps
- How to revert, uninstall Landscape beta

Taught by

Canonical Ubuntu

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