How to Increase the Throughput of Kubernetes Scheduler by Tens of Times

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses Distributed Systems Courses Concurrency Courses Cluster Management Courses Batch Processing Courses Scheduling Algorithms Courses Cloud Native Computing Courses

Course Description


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Explore advanced techniques for dramatically improving Kubernetes scheduler performance in this in-depth conference talk. Dive into the limitations of current Kubernetes-based task schedulers and learn how to overcome cluster scale restrictions to enhance resource utilization through large-scale colocation. Discover the innovative Godel Scheduler, an open-source distributed high-performance scheduler based on Kubernetes. Examine performance optimization methods including scheduling algorithm refinement, data structure refactoring, optimistic concurrency implementation under multi-shard architecture for parallel computation, and "batch" scheduling abstraction to maximize reuse of scheduling computation results. Gain valuable insights to potentially increase scheduling throughput beyond 100 Pods/s in clusters with over 5,000 nodes, pushing the boundaries of Kubernetes cluster scalability.


How to Increase the Throughput of Kubernetes Scheduler by Tens of Times - Yuquan Ren & Bing Li

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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