How to Create an Easy Ice Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
Offered By: Envato Tuts+ via YouTube
Course Description
Learn to create a stunning ice text effect in Adobe Photoshop through this 31-minute video tutorial. Master the use of layer styles, simple shapes, and textures to achieve a realistic frozen appearance. Follow step-by-step instructions on applying gradient settings, textures, contours, outer glow, inner bevel, inner shadow, and blending options. Discover techniques for adding patterns, reflections, and shadows to enhance the icy effect. Gain inspiration from professional Layer Styles available on GraphicRiver and explore additional resources on Envato Tuts+ for further design skills development.
Gradient Settings
Outer Glow
Inner Bevel
Inner Shadow
Blending Options
Adding Patterns
Adding a Reflection
Adding Shadows
Taught by
Envato Tuts+
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