How to Create a Retro Chrome Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator

Offered By: Envato Tuts+ via YouTube


Adobe Illustrator Courses Graphic Design Courses Typography Courses Digital Art Courses Text Effects Courses

Course Description


Create a retro chrome text effect in Adobe Illustrator in this 29-minute tutorial. Set up a simple grid and dark background using the Rectangular Grid Tool and basic blending techniques. Utilize the Appearance panel and a font from Envato Elements to design a fully editable chrome text effect. Learn to add subtle texture to enhance the overall design. Master techniques for creating grids, working with gradients, applying inner glow effects, and adding white strokes. Explore additional resources for inspiration and further customization of your text effect.


Creating a New Document
Creating the Grid
Adding the Font
Adding the Gradient
Adding the Inner Glow
Adding the White Stroke
Adding the Second Text

Taught by

Envato Tuts+

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