How to Create a 3D Letter Effect in Photoshop

Offered By: Nucly • Photoshop and Creative Design Training via YouTube


Adobe Photoshop Courses Graphic Design Courses Color Grading Courses Text Effects Courses Digital Illustration Courses 3D Typography Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to recreate the striking 3D lettering effect featured on the Sharper movie poster in this 30-minute Photoshop tutorial. Master the use of transform and distort tools, explore the blur gallery with tilt-shift and path blurs, apply advanced masking techniques, and work with text layers. Discover how to color the entire poster using a single gradient map layer for a cohesive look. Download the provided tutorial assets to follow along step-by-step, and gain valuable skills in creating eye-catching 3D typography effects for your design projects.


How to Create a 3D Letter Effect in Photoshop #nucly

Taught by

Nucly • Photoshop and Creative Design Training

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