How Sunlight Affects Our Bodies and Minds

Offered By: The Royal Institution via YouTube


Human Biology Courses Health & Medicine Courses Mental Health Courses Immune System Courses Chronobiology Courses Circadian Rhythms Courses

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Explore the profound impact of sunlight on human biology and psychology in this 56-minute talk by Linda Geddes at The Royal Institution. Discover how solar exposure influences sleep cycles, immune function, and mental well-being. Delve into the historical significance of sunlight from ancient solstice celebrations to modern sleep research, and uncover unexpected health benefits of sun exposure. Learn what the Amish community knows about sleep that others don't. Gain insights from Geddes' book "Chasing the Sun: The New Science of Sunlight and How it Shapes Our Bodies and Minds" as she presents her findings as a freelance journalist specializing in biology, medicine, and technology.


How Sunlight Affects Our Bodies and Minds - with Linda Geddes

Taught by

The Royal Institution

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