How InnerSource Is Changing Software Development at IBM - Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Software Development Courses Innovation Courses Software Engineering Courses Organizational Culture Courses InnerSource Courses

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Explore how InnerSource is transforming software development practices at IBM in this insightful 41-minute conference talk. Discover the lessons learned, best practices, and practical applications of InnerSource in the workplace. Learn about IBM's journey as an early leader in enterprise open source participation and their recent adoption of open source software development techniques to address internal challenges. Understand the motivations behind IBM's InnerSource initiative, including reducing barriers between software development teams, inviting contributions beyond core teams, breaking down silos, and enabling cross-organizational collaboration. Gain valuable insights into how IBM's Data and AI business unit has successfully scaled feature development and bug fixes by leveraging expertise beyond their inner circle. Uncover strategies for implementing InnerSource in your organization to gain new perspectives, mitigate the risk of concentrated knowledge, foster anti-tribalism, and accelerate innovation.


How InnerSource Is Beginning to Change Software Development at IBM. Lessons Learned... Jeffrey Borek

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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