How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
Offered By: JavaScript Conferences by GitNation via YouTube
Course Description
Explore how the TypeScript team works to enhance JavaScript without replacing it in this insightful conference talk from JSNation Live 2020. Delve into topics such as TypeScript's relationship with TC39, static typing, migration strategies, and semantics. Learn about the challenges faced by the team, including pain points, corporate open source dynamics, and accessibility concerns. Gain valuable insights into TypeScript plugins, the project's approach to competitors, and its overall impact on the JavaScript ecosystem.
Who am I
TypeScript Users
Type TC39
TypeScript vs JavaScript
Static TypeScript
TypeScript Migration
TypeScript Semantics
TS vs Runtime
Main Point Pain Points
TypeScript Plugins
Corporate Open Source
Taught by
JavaScript Conferences by GitNation
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