How Could We Probe the Angular Dependence of Dark Matter Self-Interactions?

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Dark Matter Courses Astrophysics Courses Cosmology Courses Particle Physics Courses

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Explore a 23-minute conference talk by Moritz Fischer from LMU Munich on probing the angular dependence of dark matter self-interactions. Delivered at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics as part of the "Cosmic Signals of Dark Matter Physics: New Synergies" conference, this presentation delves into cutting-edge research on dark matter physics. Gain insights into the latest theoretical developments, cosmological simulations, and observational capabilities that are expanding our understanding of dark matter's microphysical nature. Learn about the astrophysical and cosmological constraints on dark matter models and discover potential new synergies between particle physics, cosmology, and astronomy in the quest to unravel the mysteries of this elusive substance.


How could we probe the angular dependence of dark matter self-... ▸ Moritz Fischer (LMU Munich)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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