How Challenging Restrictions Can Lead to Great Creativity

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


Creativity Courses Neuroscience Courses Dance Courses Innovation Courses Biomechanics Courses Kinesiology Courses Choreography Courses

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Explore the transformative power of pushing creative boundaries in this 18-minute TEDx talk by Leigh Schanfein. Discover how challenging restrictions can spark boundless creativity through Schanfein's compelling performance and demonstration, drawing from her experiences in dance, biomechanics, and teaching. Learn about her journey as a dancer, choreographer, and award-winning researcher in kinesiology and biomechanics, including her relocation to Billings, Montana, and the founding of the Yellowstone Valley Creative Residency. Gain insights into Schanfein's collaborative projects, her co-founding of the School of Classical Ballet Company, and her upcoming commission for Arc: a Montana Dance Collective. Understand the connection between her academic background in animal physiology, neuroscience, and dance, and her research on human balance control and sensory feedback integration for posture control.


How Challenging Restrictions Can Lead to Great Creativity | Leigh Schanfein | TEDxBillings

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