Hosting a Django Website with Digital Ocean

Offered By: CodingWithMitch via YouTube


Django Courses Web Development Courses Python Courses Ubuntu Courses Nginx Courses SQLite Courses Web Hosting Courses Firewalls Courses SSH Courses Gunicorn Courses Digital Ocean Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to host a Django website using Digital Ocean in this comprehensive tutorial video. Explore the benefits of Digital Ocean, understand server costs, and set up the necessary software requirements. Follow step-by-step instructions to configure your Digital Ocean server, secure it with SSH, set up a firewall, and install Python 3.7 and pip. Create a Django project, test Gunicorn, configure socket and service files, and set up Nginx as a reverse proxy. By the end of this guide, you'll be able to access your website via IP address and understand the next steps for domain registration, HTTPS setup, and static file hosting using Digital Ocean Spaces S3.


Why Use Digital Ocean? 0:00 -
Server Fees and Other Costs 6:19 -
Software Requirements 8:01 -
Digital Ocean Setup 9:23 -
SSH into Server for the First Time 15:04 -
Secure Your Server with SSH Private Key Auth 17:39 -
Firewall Setup 28:26 -
Install Python3.7 on Ubuntu and Setting Default Version 29:28 -
Installing pip 32:41 -
Creating a Django Project and Testing Gunicorn 33:15 -
Socket and Service Files for Gunicorn 47:03 -
Configure Nginx to Proxy Pass to Gunicorn 58:39 -
Visit Website via IP address and Next Steps - end

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