Host a Python Discord Bot on AWS Lambda

Offered By: pixegami via YouTube


AWS Lambda Courses Python Courses Docker Courses Flask Courses AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Courses Discord Bot Development Courses

Course Description


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Create and host a Python Discord bot on AWS Lambda for free in this comprehensive tutorial. Learn to utilize Discord's Interaction HTTP endpoints, develop the bot using Flask and Python, and deploy it using AWS CDK. Follow step-by-step instructions to set up the Discord bot, register commands, create endpoints, implement token validation, and package the bot in a Docker image. Gain insights into cost-effective and scalable bot hosting on AWS Lambda, with additional resources provided for the Discord Developer Portal, AWS CDK, and running Docker on Lambda.


Set Up Discord Bot
Register Bot Commands
Creating Bot Endpoints
Token Validation
Create Docker Image
Deploying with AWS CDK
Wrapping Up

Taught by


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