4G to 5G - New Attacks

Offered By: Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube


Hack In The Box Security Conference Courses Cybersecurity Courses 5G Courses Mobile Network Security Courses 5G Security Courses

Course Description


Explore critical vulnerabilities in 5G and 4G protocols uncovered during a comprehensive security analysis presented at the Hack In The Box Security Conference. Delve into new attack vectors affecting network operators' equipment and consumer devices, including phones, routers, IoT sensors, and car modems. Discover how these vulnerabilities impact commercial applications in current 4G networks and their potential implications for emerging 5G networks. Learn about automated tools developed to exploit exposed cellular information and gain insights from shared research traces and data sets. Witness demonstrations of novel hijacking, bidding down, and battery draining attacks using low-cost hardware and software tools. Examine the results of worldwide testing to estimate the number of affected base stations. Gain valuable knowledge about interactions with vendors and standard bodies, as well as potential solutions to prevent these attacks.


#HITBGSEC D1: 4G To 5G: New Attacks - Altaf Shaik

Taught by

Hack In The Box Security Conference

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