Automatic Generation of ROP Chains

Offered By: Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube


Hack In The Box Security Conference Courses Cybersecurity Courses Exploit Development Courses Vulnerability Analysis Courses Return-oriented Programming Courses

Course Description


Explore the intricacies of Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) attacks and their automated generation in this 35-minute conference talk from the Hack In The Box Security Conference. Delve into the concept of Turing completeness and its application to ROP chains. Learn about EasyROP, a tool designed to automate the development of ROP attacks by identifying semantically equivalent gadgets for fundamental operations. Examine the analysis of Windows dynamic-link libraries in both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, with a focus on shell32.dll as a prime candidate for 32-bit attacks. Discover the challenges in building Turing-complete ROP chains for 64-bit systems. Gain practical insights through a real-world case study of CVE-2010-3333, demonstrating how to construct a ROP chain to bypass Data Execution Prevention (DEP) on Windows 7.


#HITB2018AMS CommSec D2 - Automatic Generation of ROP Chains - Ricardo. J. Rodríguez & Daniel Uroz

Taught by

Hack In The Box Security Conference

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