History of English Literature
Offered By: CEC via YouTube
Course Description
Lecture 7 : The Elizabathan Drama.
Lecture 3 : The Age of Chaucer.
Lecture 2 : The Anglo Norman Period.
Lecture 1 : The Anglo-Saxon Period.
Lecture 4 : The European Renaissance.
Lecture 5 : The Renaissance in England.
Lecture 6 : The Sonneteers (Sidney, Spencer).
The Younger Romantics.
The Romantic Prose.
The Romantics Criticism.
The Elder Romantics.
The Victorian Temper.
The Victorian Poets.
The Victorian Prose.
The Victorian Criticism.
The Modernist Movement.
The Vogue of Eliot and Pound.
The Age of Auden & Co..
The Post War Poets.
Modern Novel.
Modern Novel - Later Phase.
The Age of Dryden.
The Age of Pope.
The Age of Johnson.
The Pre Romantics and Blake.
The Drama Stage in 1950's.
School of Dynal Thomas.
The Postmodern Wave.
The Age of Theory.
The Post Modern Wave.
The Post Colonialism.
Philip Sydney - II.
Philip Sydney.
Dryden's Criticism : An Essay on Dramatic Poesy.
Dryden's Criticism : An Essay on Dramatic Poesy - II.
Alexander Pope as Critic - I.
Alexander Pope as Critic - II.
Pope as Critic.
Pope as Critic - II.
Johnson as Critic.
Johnson as Critic - II.
Wordsworth as Critic.
Wordsworth as Critic - II.
Rise and Development of Satire in 18th Century England.
Critical Analysis of Alexander Pope's - The Rape of Lock.
Coleridge as Critic.
Poshelly and John Keats.
John Keats.
Introduction to 17th Century England.
John Dryden : A Man of Many Talents.
Origin & Development of Satire & its use by John Dryden.
An Introduction to the Literary Genius of Franz Kafka.
What is World Literature ? : Defining Parameters.
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