Fourier Analysis of Equivariant Quantum Cohomology II - 1-27-2024

Offered By: IMSA via YouTube


Homological Mirror Symmetry Courses Fourier Analysis Courses Topology Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Algebraic Geometry Courses Quantum Cohomology Courses

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Explore advanced concepts in Homological Mirror Symmetry through this conference talk by Hiroshi Iritani from Kyoto University. Delve into the second part of Fourier analysis of equivariant quantum cohomology, building upon previous discussions in the field. Gain insights into recent developments and new results obtained in Homological Mirror Symmetry, as part of a conference dedicated to Jeffrey Fuqua's transformative contributions to mathematics. Engage with cutting-edge research, survey the latest findings, and discover potential new directions for development and collaboration in this complex area of mathematical study.


Hiroshi Iritani, Kyoto University: Fourier analysis of equivariant quantum cohomology II - 1-27-2024

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