High-Security, Zero-Connectivity and Air-Gapped Clouds - Delivering Complex Software with OCM and Flux

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Cloud-Native Applications Courses DevOps Courses Cloud Migration Courses Supply Chain Security Courses Containerization Courses GitOps Courses Artifact Management Courses Air-Gapped Environments Courses

Course Description


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Explore a solution for delivering complex cloud-native applications across multiple security boundaries and clouds in this 27-minute conference talk. Learn about the Open Component Model (OCM), an open standard that describes software components in a technology-agnostic way, and its integration with Flux to create GitOps Localization. Discover how OCM and GitOps Localization can benefit air-gapped environments, end-to-end supply chain shielding, and cloud migration. Witness a demonstration of packaging, transporting, and deploying signed, attestable, and verifiable artifacts into environments with limited or no connectivity and high-security clouds. Gain insights into automating OCM, localization techniques, and troubleshooting in private registries.


How do you deliver a cloud native app
Open Component Model
Automating OCM
Command Line
Private Registry

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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