Head, Neck, Brain Anatomy Review

Offered By: Katy Conner via YouTube


Health Care Courses Anatomy Courses Brain Anatomy Courses Arteries Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 35-minute anatomy review focusing on the head, neck, and brain, tailored for graduate-level healthcare professionals including PAs, NPs, BSNs, Paramedics/EMTs, PTs, and OTs. Explore detailed "roadmaps" of arteries, veins, and nerve structures, featuring color-coded sensory and motor maps. Learn to easily draw the Circle of Willis and conduct a cranial nerve exam. Cover topics such as the skull, aortic arch, carotid arteries, cerebral veins, and specific cranial nerves including the trigeminal and vagus nerves. Gain valuable insights into extraocular nerves and sensory nerve pathways, enhancing your understanding of complex neuroanatomy for clinical practice.


Road Map
Aortic Arch
Circle of Willis
Cerebral Veins
Cranial Nerves
Sensory Nerves
Extraocular Nerves
Trigeminal Nerve
Vagus Nerve
Cranial Nerve Exam

Taught by

Katy Conner

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