Cloudera Certified Associate Spark and Hadoop Developer

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Cloudera Courses Hadoop Courses Information Technology (IT) Certifications Courses Apache Spark Courses

Course Description


Prepare for the Cloudera Certified Associate Spark and Hadoop Developer certification with this comprehensive tutorial series. Learn essential skills for working with Hadoop ecosystem technologies including Sqoop, Flume, HDFS, Spark, Hive, and Avro. Master data ingestion, processing, and analysis techniques using both Python and Scala. Practice hands-on exercises covering data import/export, real-time data ingestion, distributed computing with Spark, SQL-based analysis, and working with various file formats. Gain practical experience setting up development environments, submitting jobs, and troubleshooting common issues. By the end of this extensive training, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer certification exam and apply your skills to real-world big data projects.


Introduction redirecting to new course - CCA 175 Spark and Hadoop Developer.
Introduction to ITVersity Forums - see description for links.
Cloudera Certified Associate Spark and Hadoop Developer.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Introduction.
Big Data Environment - Sign up for big data labs.
Big Data - Lab support for signup or login issues.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Using Cloudera Quickstart VM.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Using Cloudera Quickstart VM (Add on).
Cloudera Quickstart 5.5 Preview.
Cloudera Quickstart 5.5 preview - CCA certification.
Hadoop Certification - Sqoop commands - list and eval.
Hadoop Certification - 01 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop Import - Add on.
Hadoop Certification - 03 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 04 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 05 Sqoop Import Incremental.
Hadoop Certification - 01 Sqoop Export.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop Export - Merge/Upsert.
Hadoop Ceritfication - 01 Sqoop import delimiters.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop export delimiters.
Hadoop Certification - 03 Sqoop File Formats.
Hadoop Certification - Sqoop Job and Sqoop Merge.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - 01 Flume Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Setup Telnet.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Running first job (telnet to logger).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Using HDFS Sink.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Ingest real time data into HDFS.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Copying data into HDFS.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Copying data from HDFS.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Spark Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Setup Spark 1.2.1 on Quickstart VM.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Introduction of pyspark (python on spark).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Submitting pyspark applications.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Reading and Saving Text Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Reading and Saving Sequence Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Reading and Saving Hive and JSON data.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Developing Word Count program - flatMap, map, reduceByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Word Count Explained.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 01 Joining Data Sets using Python.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 02 Joining Data Sets using Python.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 03 Joining Data Sets using SQL.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 01 Aggregating Data (totals).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 02 Aggregating data (totals continued).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 03 Aggregating Data by key - Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - How Combiner Works?.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Combiner in reduceByKey and aggregateByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 04 Average by key (join, reduceByKey and aggregateByKey).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 05 Max By Key (includes SQL).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Filtering data.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Global sorting and ranking (sortByKey, top and takeOrdered).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Recap of python list operations and groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Sorting and Ranking by key using groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Sorting and Ranking using SQL.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Submitting scala applications.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Reading and Saving Text Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Reading and Saving Sequence Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Reading and Saving Hive and JSON data.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Developing Word Count program - flatMap, map, reduceByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Word Count Explained.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 01 Joining Data Sets.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 02 Joining Data Sets using Hive or SQL Context in Scala.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 01 Aggregating Data (totals).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 02 Aggregating Data by key - Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 03 Average by key (join, reduceByKey and aggregateByKey).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - How Combiner Works?.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Combiner in reduceByKey and aggregateByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 04 Max By Key (includes SQL).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Filtering data (includes sql).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Global sorting and ranking (sortByKey, top and takeOrdered).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Recap of scala list operations and groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Sorting and Ranking by key using groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Ranking by key using groupByKey (including SQL).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Data Analysis introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Hive Metastore.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 05 Create Databases Hive DDL Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 06 Create Databases Hive DDL Demo.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 07 Extract and Load Sqoop Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 08 02 Extract and Load Sqoop Demo.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system 09 01 Extract and Load Hive Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 09 02 Extract and Load - Hive Load demo.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 09 03 Transformation and Load - Hive Insert Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 09 04 Transformation and Load - Hive Insert Demo.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Extracting Avro schema from Avro data files using avro-tools.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Create a table in the Hive metastore using Avro.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Partitioning in Hive with Avro file format.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Avro Schema Evolution in Hive and Impala.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Conclusion and Best of luck.
Hadoop Certification - 01 Sqoop common issues.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Common Issues - Connection Refused.
Hadoop Certification - Common Issues - Get process details using jps, ps -ef and ps -fu commands.
Hadoop Certification - Common Issues - Running applications as shell programs.
Review of Ambari.
Big Data - Reviewing MySQL on lab.

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