HackIM CTF - Do's and Don'ts
Offered By: nullcon via YouTube
Course Description
Hacking For Fun and Profit
Capture the Flag (CTF) is a special kind of information security competitions where the participants learn by solving innovative security challenges.
Types of CTFs
Jeopardy Multiple challenges in a range of categories not limited to - web, cryptography, reverse engineering, binary exploitation, forensics, etc. You get points for challenges by submitting "flags", more the points higher you are on the scoreboard.
Attack Defense Each participant has a VM network that they defend/patch and attack others simultaneosly
How to CTF?
Dont's • Use automated tools • Attack the infrastructure • Be Salty • Share Flags/Spoilers with other teams
Nullcon HackIM CTF An annual CTF event which precedes Nullcon - a security conference in India. This year will be 11th edition of this CTF
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