Gravitational Waves - A New Era of Astronomy Begins
Offered By: World Science Festival via YouTube
Course Description
Brian Greene's Introduction -
Einsteins prediction of bending light -
Participant Introductions -
Chapter one: The Discovery -
The rumors of a gravitational wave -
How LIGO almost missed the gravitational wave -
BICEP2 and getting it right -
Could we have recreated this experiment without a gravitational wave? -
Chapter two: The Numerical Relativity -
So you detect a gravitational wave, what does that mean? -
Black holes vs Neutron stars -
Chapter three: Detection -
How LIGO Laboratory works -
How do you shield the laser from the other waves in the world? -
The move from LIGO to Advanced LIGO
Giving credit to Barry Barish -
Chapter four: The Future of LIGO
eLISA and a space interferometer -
Mathematically solving the future of colliding black holes
Taught by
World Science Festival
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