GraalPy - Fast Python Implementation

Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube


Machine Learning Courses Python Courses TensorFlow Courses PyTorch Courses GraalVM Courses Cython Courses Hugging Face Courses

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Explore the capabilities of GraalPy, a fast Python implementation built on GraalVM, in this 23-minute conference talk from EuroPython 2024. Discover how GraalPy runs PyTorch, TensorFlow, and ML models from Huggingface.co, and learn about its compatibility with top PyPI packages. Gain insights into GraalPy's ability to JIT compile pure Python code to match Cython speeds and its seamless integration with Java, including Jython compatibility mode. Understand the potential applications of GraalPy in your projects, focusing on its performance benefits, multi-language integration capabilities, and features for sandboxing and distribution.


GraalPy - Fast Python Implementation — Štěpán Šindelář, Tim Felgentreff

Taught by

EuroPython Conference

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