PKI for Gophers

Offered By: Gopher Academy via YouTube


GopherCon Courses Multi-task Learning (MTL) Courses Secure Communication Courses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Courses Certificate Management Courses Let's Encrypt Courses Certificate Transparency Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricacies of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for Go developers in this 36-minute conference talk from GopherCon 2019. Delve into Go primitives for generating certificate hierarchies, implementing mutual TLS (mTLS), and utilizing hardware-backed keys. Gain insights into public infrastructure solutions like Let's Encrypt and Certificate Transparency. Examine the complexities of establishing roots of trust for automated issuance, understand the nuances of certificate revocation, and receive encouragement to experiment with creating your own PKI implementation.


GopherCon 2019: Eric Chiang - PKI for Gophers

Taught by

Gopher Academy

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