Google Open Source Container Tools - Life of a Happy Developer in a Container World

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Kubernetes Courses Containerization Courses Skaffold Courses Bazel Courses JIB Courses

Course Description


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Explore the world of container development in this 45-minute conference talk from Devoxx. Discover how Google's open-source projects enhance developer experience in Kubernetes environments. Learn about Skaffold for iterative development, Distroless images for security, Bazel and Jib for efficient image building, and Kaniko for secure cluster-based image construction. Gain insights into creating a seamless CI/CD pipeline for Kubernetes development and understand how these tools work together to improve productivity and security in container-based workflows.


Google Open Source Container Tools: Life of a happy developer in a container world by David Gageot

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