Böhm Trees and Taylor Expansion

Offered By: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques via YouTube


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Explore a conference talk on Böhm trees and Taylor expansion delivered by Giulio Manzonetto at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques in Marseille, France. Delve into this 1 hour and 32 minute recording from the thematic meeting "Différential ℷ-calculus and differential linear logic, 20 years later" held on May 13, 2024. Access this video and other talks by renowned mathematicians through CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library, which offers enhanced features such as chapter markers, keywords, enriched content with abstracts and bibliographies, and a multi-criteria search function. Gain insights into advanced mathematical concepts and benefit from the comprehensive presentation on Böhm trees and Taylor expansion in the context of differential lambda calculus and linear logic.


Giulio Manzonetto: Böhm trees and Taylor expansion

Taught by

Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques

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