Georges Gonthier - Computer Proofs - Teaching Computers Mathematics, and Conversely
Offered By: International Mathematical Union via YouTube
Course Description
Is formalization a formality?
Some computer proof landmarks
An old puzzle's story
Saved by the computer?
The whole proof
Proof Algorithms
Reflecting reducibility
Building a square
Building configurations
Colouring interpretation
The Poincaré principle
Minimal logic
Functions in logic The Moderns
Crafting map descriptions
Proof by folklore
Size matters
The Odd Order Theorem
All finite groups of odd order are solvable. Proof: Let G be a minimal counter-example...
A mathematical library shelf
Textbook vs. digital formal text
Interactive Math
Algebraic Notation
Implementing notation
Algebra interfaces Equality
Inferring notation
Basic interfaces and objects bool
Ad hoc inference
Interfacing big operators
Coprime cycle coherence
A dot product matrix puzzle
An integer norm problem
Sorting a combinatorial mess
Homotopy type theory Type A
Synthetic Homotopy Type Theory
Cubical Type Theory
Taught by
International Mathematical Union
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