Geophysical Well Logging Method - Part 4
Offered By: CdoGEO of Kazan Federal University via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of geophysical well logging techniques in this comprehensive lecture, focusing on advanced concepts and methodologies. Delve into the fourth installment of the series, which builds upon previous knowledge to provide a deeper understanding of well logging practices. Gain insights into the latest technologies and interpretative methods used in the field of geophysical well logging. Learn how to analyze and interpret complex well log data, enhancing your ability to assess subsurface formations and reservoir characteristics. Discover the applications of these techniques in various geological settings and their importance in the oil and gas industry. Enhance your expertise in this crucial aspect of geophysical exploration and reservoir characterization over the course of nearly two hours of in-depth instruction.
Geophysical well logging method. Part 4
Taught by
CdoGEO of Kazan Federal University
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