Geology - Sedimentary Rocks
Offered By: Earth and Space Sciences X via YouTube
Course Description
The Importance of Sedimentary Rocks Sediments and sedimentary rocks cover approximately 75 percent of Earth
Origins of Sedimentary Rock
Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
Quartz Sandstone under Microscope
Running Water on Mars?
Sandstone Grains - The particles in sandstone vary and are classified by their sorting and
Conglomerate and Breccia
Inorganic Limestone
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
Salt Flats-Death Valley
Coal: An Organic Sedimentary Rock
Turning Sediments into Sedimentary Rock: Diagenesis and Lithification
Identification of Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Environments
Sedimentary Rocks Represent Past Environments Sedimentary facies
Sedimentary Structures • Provide additional information useful in the interpretation of Earth's history Types of sedimentary structures -The layers of the sedimentary rocks are called state or beds
Energy Resources from Sedimentary Rocks
Common Oil Traps
Taught by
Earth and Space Sciences X
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