Gen Z Wants More

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


TEDx Courses Communication Skills Courses Mentorship Courses Generation Z Courses

Course Description


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Explore a thought-provoking TEDx talk that challenges perceptions of Generation Z. Delve into the insights of Nyandusi Nyachae, a mentor to college students and World Campus Coordinator at Pennsylvania State University, as he shares his unique perspective on Gen Z. Discover how Nyachae's experience as an Independently Certified Professional Speaker and Coach through Maxwell Leadership informs his understanding of this generation's aspirations. Gain valuable insights into the desires and motivations of Gen Z, drawn from Nyachae's extensive mentoring experience with students and young professionals in the United States, United Kingdom, and Kenya. Learn how to shift your perspective and better understand the potential of this dynamic generation in this engaging 14-minute presentation.


Gen Z Wants More | Nyandusi Nyachae | TEDxPSU

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