Performance Testing Beyond API: Exploring Shift-Left Approaches - GeeCON 2023

Offered By: GeeCON Conference via YouTube


Performance Testing Courses Unit Testing Courses Test Automation Courses Benchmarking Courses API Testing Courses Shift-Left Testing Courses

Course Description


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Explore innovative approaches to performance testing beyond traditional API and GUI levels in this 33-minute conference talk from GeeCON 2023. Delve into the Shift-Left concept and discover how to leverage existing tests, including unit tests, for cost-effective performance evaluation. Learn about three potential solutions: using a well-known library with license limitations, adopting an open-source project with multiple issues, or developing a custom solution. Gain insights into selecting the most suitable methods for coverage, handling raw results, and determining whether to use the approach for prevention or baseline establishment. Follow the speaker's journey, absorb valuable lessons learned, and find out if their implementation successfully went live or remained a proof of concept.


GeeCON 2023: Emilia Lendzion-Barszcz - Performance Testing is not only API

Taught by

GeeCON Conference

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