Complex Cellular Structures - Lecture 3

Offered By: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques via YouTube


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Explore complex cellular structures in this third lecture by Gal Binyamini, recorded during the "Singularities" thematic meeting at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques in Marseille, France. Delve into advanced mathematical concepts presented by a renowned expert in the field. Access this video and other talks by leading mathematicians worldwide through CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library. Utilize features such as chapter markers and keywords to navigate specific sections, and benefit from enriched content including abstracts, bibliographies, and Mathematics Subject Classification. Take advantage of the multi-criteria search function to find talks by author, title, tags, or mathematical area, enhancing your learning experience in this hour-long presentation on cutting-edge mathematical research.


Gal Binyamini: Complex cellular structures - Lecture 3

Taught by

Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques

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