Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory - Lecture 2

Offered By: Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube


Conformal Field Theory Courses String Theory Courses Correlation Functions Courses Quantum Field Theory Courses Virasoro Algebra Courses

Course Description


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Delve into the intricacies of two-dimensional conformal field theory in this comprehensive lecture, the second in a series. Explore advanced concepts and mathematical frameworks essential for understanding the behavior of quantum systems in two dimensions. Gain insights into the applications of CFT in string theory, statistical mechanics, and condensed matter physics. Analyze the role of symmetries, correlation functions, and operator product expansions in describing critical phenomena. Engage with complex mathematical techniques and theoretical constructs that form the foundation of modern theoretical physics.


Gaberdiel Matthias: "Two-Dimensional CFT" - Lecture II

Taught by

Galileo Galilei Institute

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