Fuzzing - Finding Your Own Bugs and 0days
Offered By: Ekoparty Security Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the world of fuzzing and 0day vulnerability discovery in this 39-minute conference talk from Ekoparty 2021's Red Zone Space. Learn how to create fuzzers, understand different types of fuzzers and targets, and discover techniques for finding Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities. Gain insights into avoiding bad characters in shellcode and receive step-by-step guidance on writing your own exploits. Watch two proof-of-concept demonstrations and benefit from the expertise of Rodolpho Concurde, an experienced security consultant specializing in Penetration Testing for various industries including Telecommunications, Aviation, Financial Institutions, Information Technology, and Mining.
Fuzzing: Finding your own bugs and 0days! ▪ Rodolpho Concurde ▪ Ekoparty 2021: Red Zone Space
Taught by
Ekoparty Security Conference
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