Future Demand and Supply of Mineral Commodities and Energy in a Changing World

Offered By: Institut Henri Poincaré via YouTube


Mineral Resources Courses Climate Change Courses Sustainability Courses Urbanization Courses Commodity Markets Courses

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Explore the intricate relationship between raw materials and energy in the context of global carbon neutrality efforts in this 40-minute conference talk by Olivier Vidal from CNRS, Isterre. Delve into the challenges of constructing new infrastructures for energy production, storage, transport, and use, which require significant quantities of base and rare metals. Examine the concerns surrounding metal availability and the energy-intensive nature of raw material production. Gain insights into a dynamic model (DyMEMDS) that links projected metal demand with production capacity, considering various GDP, population, and energy scenarios. Analyze the model's results to better understand the complex interplay between reserves, mineral resource production, costs, prices, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions in a rapidly changing world.


Future demand and supply of mineral commodities and energy in a changing world

Taught by

Institut Henri Poincaré

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