Full Stack Developer Roadmap
Offered By: Adrian Twarog via YouTube
Course Description
- Introduction
- Becoming a Full-stack Developer
- Frontend
- Frontend - How the Internet Works
- Frontend - HTML, CSS, JS
- Frontend - Version Control Git
- Frontend - Web Security
- Frontend - Package Managers
- Frontend - CSS PreProcessors - SASS, LESS
- Frontend - Build Tools
- Frontend - Frameworks & Libraries
- Frontend - Modern CSS - Styled Components
- Frontend - Web Components
- Frontend - CSS Frameworks - Bootstrap, Tailwinds
- Frontend - Testing Libraries - Jest, Enzyme
- Frontend - Type Checkers - Typescript
- Frontend - Progressive Web Apps
- Frontend - Frontend Tools - DevTools, Lighthouse
- Frontend - Server Side Rendering SSR
- Frontend - GraphQL - Apollo, Relay
- Frontend - Static Site Generators - Gatsby NextJS
- Frontend - Mobile Applications - React Native, Flutter
- Frontend - Desktop Applications - Electron
- Backend - Operating System - Terminal, IO
- Backend - Language - JavaScript, Rust, Go
- Backend - Version Control - Github
- Backend - Databases - MySql, MongoDB
- Backend - Adv Database - Replication, ORMs
- Backend - REST - JSON APIs, Authentication
- Backend - Caching - CDN, Server Side, Redis
- Backend - Web Security - HTTPS, CORS
- Backend - Testing - Integration, Unit, Functional
- Backend - CI / CD
- Backend - Design and Development Principles
- Backend - Search Engines - Elasticsearch
- Backend - Message Brokers
- Backend - Containers Virtualization - Docker
- Backend - GraphQL - Apollo, Relay
- Backend - Websockets & Web Servers - Apache
- Backend - Building for Scale
- DevOps
- DevOps - Languages - Go, Rust, Ruby, Node, Python
- DevOps - OS Concepts - IO, Sockets
- DevOps - Managing Servers - Unix, Linux, Windows
- DevOps - Networking, Security, Protocols
- DevOps - HTTP, FTP, SSL, Proxy, etc
- DevOps - Infrastructure - Web Servers - IIS, Apache
- DevOps - CI/CD - GitHub Actions
- DevOps - Monitoring - Logging, Events
- DevOps - Cloud Providers - Linode, AWS, Azure
- EnhanceUI Design for Developers
- Conclusion
Taught by
Adrian Twarog
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