From the A2 Quiver Towards the Painlevé I T Function

Offered By: NCCR SwissMAP via YouTube


Mathematical Physics Courses Quantization Courses Algebraic Geometry Courses Moduli Space Courses Painlevé Equations Courses

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Explore the intricate journey from the A2 quiver to the Painlevé I T function in this illuminating lecture by T. Bridgeland from the University of Sheffield. Delve into the quantisation of moduli spaces, examining various perspectives and their implications. Over the course of 71 minutes, gain insights into advanced mathematical concepts and their interconnections within the realm of algebraic geometry and differential equations. Enhance your understanding of quiver theory, moduli spaces, and the Painlevé equations, particularly focusing on the Painlevé I case and its associated T function.


From the A2 quiver towards the Painlevé I T function, T. Bridgeland (University of Sheffield)

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