From CPU to GPU and FPGAs - Supercharging Java Applications with TornadoVM

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JVM Language Summit Courses Java Courses FPGA Courses

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Explore how TornadoVM supercharges Java applications by leveraging GPUs and FPGAs in this 43-minute conference talk presented by Juan Fumero, PhD & Research Fellow from The University of Manchester, UK, at the JVM Language Summit 2023 in Santa Clara, CA. Discover the potential of accelerating Java programs beyond traditional CPU execution, delving into the world of heterogeneous computing. Learn about the capabilities of TornadoVM in harnessing the power of GPUs and FPGAs to enhance Java application performance. Gain insights into the latest advancements in Java optimization techniques and their practical applications in high-performance computing environments.


From CPU to GPU and FPGAs: Supercharging Java Applications with TornadoVM

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