From Classical to Quantum Fields on Causal Sets

Offered By: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS via YouTube


Quantum Field Theory Courses Symplectic Geometry Courses Geometric Quantization Courses Deformation Quantization Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricacies of algebraic classical and quantum field theory on causal sets in this comprehensive lecture. Delve into a brief review of different approaches to quantizing classical fields, focusing on deformation quantisation and geometric quantisation over the symplectic space of classical field data. Learn how to define a state associated with the quantisation map for a free scalar field on a causal set, resulting in the Sorkin-Johnston state. Discover the potential for generalizing this geometric construction to less linear examples, such as interacting fields. Gain insights from speaker Christoph Minz of the University of Leipzig as he presents findings from his PhD project with Eli Hawkins and Kasia Rejzner, offering a deep dive into the fascinating world of quantum fields on causal sets.


From Classical to Quantum Fields on Causal Sets

Taught by

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS

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