From C++ Templates to C++ Concepts - The Amazing Journey of Metaprogramming

Offered By: CppCon via YouTube


Metaprogramming Courses SFINAE Courses

Course Description


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Embark on an enlightening journey through the evolution of C++ metaprogramming in this CppCon conference talk. Explore the progression from C++ templates to concepts, tracing the history of metaprogramming techniques from C++98 to modern standards. Discover how each iteration of the language has simplified and improved code readability, with a focus on developing a container concept. Gain insights into template metaprogramming fundamentals, witness the benefits of newer C++ standards through numerous code examples, and learn how C++20 concepts streamline complex metaprogramming tasks. Delve into advanced topics such as function templates, overload specialization, constraints, traits, and periodic templates, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of container concepts and their implementation across different C++ versions.


About Alex
Function Templates
Overload Specialization
Trade Library
Constraints and Traits
Void Pointer
Container Detection
Templates Overload
Periodic Templates
Void Template
Container Concept
Problems with Container Concepts
C20 Concepts
C21 Concepts

Taught by


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