Fostering Collaboration in Hybrid Teams

Offered By: DevConf via YouTube


Remote Work Courses Communication Skills Courses Hybrid Teams Courses Trust Building Courses Employee Engagement Courses Team Building Courses Workplace Culture Courses

Course Description


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Explore effective strategies for fostering collaboration in hybrid teams through this insightful conference talk from DevConf.CZ 2023. Discover how to overcome the challenges of remote work by adapting traditional bonding activities to virtual environments. Learn from Andrea Fickova's experience as an Agile practitioner at Red Hat, as she shares best practices and lessons learned for implementing successful team-building exercises. Gain valuable ideas to enhance worker satisfaction and strengthen team bonds, whether you're a manager or team member. Understand the importance of trust-building in remote settings and its impact on work performance and cooperation. Apply these practical insights to create a more cohesive and productive hybrid work environment for your team.


Fostering Collaboration in Hybrid Team - DevConf.CZ 2023

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