Foliation Theory and Algebraic Geometry - Envelopes of Families of Linear Spaces
Offered By: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 50-minute lecture on "Envelopes of families of linear spaces" delivered by Ragni Piene from the University of Oslo. This talk is part of the "Foliation Theory and Algebraic Geometry" conference celebrating Fernando Cukierman's 70th birthday at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro. Delve into the intersection of holomorphic foliation theory and complex algebraic geometry, examining recent advances and applications in these fields. Gain insights from renowned experts and young researchers as they discuss topics ranging from the Calabi problem for Fano 3-folds to deformations of exterior differential ideals. Discover how this conference aims to foster new scientific collaborations and introduce students to cutting-edge research in holomorphic foliations and algebraic geometry.
Foliation Theory and Algebraic Geometry - Ragni Piene (Uni of Oslo)
Taught by
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
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