Towards a Comprehensive Picture of the Great Firewall's DNS Censorship

Offered By: USENIX via YouTube


USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI) Courses Cybersecurity Courses Internet Freedom Courses

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Explore a comprehensive analysis of China's Great Firewall DNS censorship mechanisms in this 31-minute conference talk from USENIX FOCI '14. Delve into the structure of the DNS injector, examining its operations from both inside and outside China. Discover how researchers localized DNS monitor locations, extracted a blacklist of approximately 15,000 keywords, and estimated the firewall's cluster structure and active response rate by exploiting an information leakage in its design. Gain insights into the passive inspection of network traffic and the disruption of unwanted communication through forged DNS replies and TCP resets. Enhance your understanding of internet censorship techniques and their implications for global network communication.


FOCI '14 - Towards a Comprehensive Picture of the Great Firewall’s DNS Censorship

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