Attributing Mountain Glacier Retreat to Climate Change

Offered By: AGU via YouTube


Climate Change Courses Environmental Science Courses Data Analysis Courses Hydrology Courses Remote Sensing Courses Terrain Modeling Courses Glaciology Courses Geomorphology Courses Satellite Imagery Courses

Course Description


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Watch a 36-minute press conference from AGU exploring a new method for assessing individual glacier changes and findings on mountain glacier retreat. Learn about the controversial nature of attributing glacier retreat to climate change due to noisy signals. Discover how researchers use innovative techniques like hexagon satellite imagery, terrain models, and remote sensing to study global glacier mass balance and loss. Gain insights from experts Gerard Roe, Summer Rupper, and Ben Pelto as they discuss the importance of mountain glaciers as freshwater sources and symbols of climate change. Understand concepts such as mass balance, snow density, and high elevation change mapping in glacier research. Explore the implications of shrinking water reservoirs and the global impact of glacier mass loss.


Hexagon Satellite
Terrain Models
Glacier Changes
Which one wins
Shrinking water reservoirs
Ben Pelto
What is mass balance
What is glacier mass balance
What is snow density
Global glacier mass balance
Global glacier mass loss
Remote sensing
PhD research
Remote sensing methods
High elevation change map

Taught by


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